Richard Lim
Managing Director, The Relational Training Consultant Psychotherapist
Richard Lim is a professional Psychotherapist in private practice and a Training Consultant with more than 15 years of related work experience. He specializes in Psychodynamic and Relationship Psychology for application in clinical work with individuals and couples, and in business communication and relations.
Richard has provided consultancy and training to staff from multi-national companies like Singapore Airlines, Motorola, Barclays Capital, Petronas, DBS, National Panasonic, Fujitsu, Lucent Technologies, Shell; International agencies like The Salvation Army, YMCA, Outward Bounds and World Vision; government organizations and community institutions such as Ministry of Community, Youth & Sports, NIE, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade & Industry, National Environment Agency, Singapore Sports Council, People's Association, National Centre for Leadership Institute; and academic institutions like National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic and MDIS.
Richard is sought after extensively for his specialty in organizational learning, specifically in Leadership Skills Development focusing on Group Process and Dynamics Training, Cognitive and Emotional Quotient (EQ) Enhancement and Motivation Communication.
He trains and lectures at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on group processes and human relationship.
Professional Association and Positions
- Managing Director, Motivation Resources, Singapore
- Clinical Director and Psychotherapist, LifeMagic Works, Singapore
- Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
- Lecturer, College of Allied Educators
- Senior Lecturer, Australian College of Applied Psychology
- President, Psychotherapy Association of Singapore (PAS)
Academic Achievements
- Doctoral Candidate, Leadership Psychology
- Master in Social Science (Counselling), University of South Australia
- Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy, Graduate School of Medical Studies, National University of Singapore (specializing in psychodynamic and object relations psychotherapy)
- Bachelor of Arts (HON), National University of Singapore, 1990